Home treatments Epi-Contoura

About Epi-Contoura

What is Epi-Contoura?

The newest advancement in laser vision correction for eliminating the need for glasses is Epi-Contoura Streamlight. Specifically crafted for individuals with thin corneas, this innovative procedure offers remarkable outcomes with a bladeless, flapless, and painless laser procedure.

When / Why do I need it

Why should I opt for Epi-Contoura?

Epi-Contoura can be customised according to your needs, so every condition like astigmatism, nearsightedness, or farsightedness, can be treated with equal perfection at Vasan.

If you are looking for something different from regular contact lenses, consider Epi-contoura. It could be the right fit for you.

Procedures at Vasan

How do our experts perform Epi-Contoura?

The Epi-Contoura procedure is quick and easy. It typically takes about 20 minutes, and you won’t need sedation or local anaesthesia. The device numbs your eye area on its own. You might feel a bit of pressure, but it’s not painful.


Contoura is generally better suited for individuals with thicker corneas, while Epi-Contoura may be a preferable option for those with thinner corneas since it’s flapless and preserves more corneal tissue.

The main benefits of Epi-Contoura include correcting higher-order aberrations, which cause blurred vision, and improving night vision and contrast sensitivity.

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The newest advancement in laser vision correction for eliminating the need for glasses is Epi-Contoura Streamlight.

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