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About Dry Eye Syndrome

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Having enough tears of good quality and in the right amount is really important for your eyes to feel comfortable and work properly.

Dry eye syndrome happens when there’s a change in the quality or amount of the three layers that make up your tear film. There’s an oily layer on the outside, a watery layer in the middle, and a protein layer on the inside.

When / Why do I need it

How to know if you have Dry Eye Syndrome?

Symptoms include burning, dryness, grittiness, itchiness, aching sensations, heaviness, watering from the eyes, and blurred vision.

In many cases, changes to your daily habits can help with dry eyes. But if the problem keeps going on for a long time and causes a lot of discomfort, it’s a good idea to get professional dry eye treatment.

Procedures at Vasan

What do our experts do?

Treatments for dry eye syndrome range from simple to hi-tech. Our experts determine the best one for you after a quick diagnosis.

Prescription Eye Drops

Lubricating eye drops works by adding some of the same elements that your tears naturally have and provide moisture and relief. Other drops containing immune-suppressing medications help reduce inflammation of your cornea which may be impacting your tear fluid production.

Cholinergic Drugs

These drugs stimulate tear production but may have side effects, so they're not used as much.

Eyelid Wash

Eyelid washes, recommended for conditions like blepharitis, can quickly reduce eye inflammation by reducing bacteria around the eyelashes and eyelids.

Eye Ointments

Eye ointments aren't just for dry eyes; they can also treat sore eyes or Lagophthalmos, which causes dryness and exposure due to a gap between your eyelids.

Blood Serum Drops

Made from plasma and blood serum, these drops are considered when other treatments don’t work. They're created by mixing blood with sterile saline to treat dry eye symptoms.


Because contact lenses touch your eyes directly, they can sometimes cause problems like discomfort, redness, and irritation. If you don’t have enough tears, the tear film behind the lens can get thin. This can make your eye surface rub against the lens, causing dry eye syndrome.

Usually, dry eye symptoms get better over time if you take the right steps, like staying hydrated, avoiding dry air, and not straining your eyes too much. But if the discomfort sticks around, it’s best to see a doctor for help.

Dry eye symptoms often get worse because of things outside your body, like air conditioning, spending a lot of time on the computer, allergens, dust, and heat. It’s important to know that dry eye symptoms are different from eye allergies or other eye issues.

Here are some natural ways to help with dry eyes:

  • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air.
  • Wear sunglasses when you’re outside in bright sunlight.
  • Gently apply a warm, damp cloth to soothe eye irritation.
  • Try taking nutritional supplements that have fatty acids.
  • Avoid using harsh cleansers or face washes near your eyes.

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Other Treatments


EVO ICL, or Implantable Collamer Lens, is a refractive procedure that corrects myopia (near-sightedness).


Epi-LASIK is a modern refractive treatment option to enable clear vision without glasses or contact lenses.

Anti-VEGF Agents

Anti-VEGF agents are a group of medications which block the activity of VEGF, therefore reducing bleeding and vascular leakage.

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